Here is Max reading to his dog, Tucker.
Here is Mrs. Danks reading to her cat, Percy.
Here is Izzy reading to her cat, Sweetie.
Here is Kolt reading to his cat, Meeko and cousin, Chance.
Here is Mrs. Giovanetti reading to her dog, Champ!
Here is Emma reading to her favorite neighbor...Rascal ♡
Here is Mr. Treece reading to Winchester at Gateway Pet Guardians!
Here is Ms. South reading to Shawn at Gateway Pet Guardians!
Here is Mr. Aldridge reading to Potluck at Gateway Pet Guardians!
Here is Chelsea reading to her cat, Sugar!
Here is Adeline and Annie Jo reading to their dogs, Anderson and Charlie!
#Congratulations Students of the Month for September 2022; Lillian Putnam, Kayden Winchell, Makenna Chester, and Page Mushaney! #education #goodjob 👏😀
Reminder tomorrow is picture day and Bluffview is selling Ms. Fields cookie dough.
Don't forget to send Mr. Treece some Paws for Books pics of your student reading to their pet! Here are some throwbacks for inspiration:
Reminder: BV Picture Day is Thursday the 15th!
Don’t forget tomorrow is an early out day. Bluffview will dismiss at 1:30.
Book Fair Promotion: As we have done in previous years, feel free to take a picture of your child reading to your pet and we will post it online and push it out through our new mobile app and social media! Send your picture to Mr. Treece at:
Be sure to list who is in the picture so we can recognize your child and pet by name! Paws for Books!
Here is Mr. Treece reading to his dog, Samson!
Reminder, Bluffview PTO meeting is tomorrow night, Wednesday, September 7th at 6:30 in the Bluffview library. We would love for you to join us!
Congratulations to our Bluffview Students of the Month, Lillian Putnam and Kayden Winchell! Thank you for being excellent role models and Radiating the R.O.A.R. (Respect, Organized, Always Safe, and Responsible)
Save the Date: Sept 21st - PTO Bookfair and Taco Dinner, 4:00-7:00pm. See our news article and check out the bookfair's online page: