SES Information

Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Section 1116 (e), students from low-income families attending schools that do not make adequate yearly progress for three or more years are eligible to receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES). ISBE’s Data Analysis Division determines school status for each school year and publishes a list.
Parent Notification
“The mission of Bluffview Elementary School is to provide a safe, enriching environment where all students are challenged to develop the social and academic skills to become life-long learners”
Bluffview Elementary School wants parents to be involved in our school community and their child’s learning. Some of the programs we have for our parents are a volunteer program and PTO. Parents working with our PTO have input into our Family Engagement Plan, Bluffview Handbook Conduct Policies, and School Improvement Plan.
Our test scores on the New Illinois Learning Standards continue to be strong. Bluffview School scores can by found on the Illinois State Report Card which can be accessed on-line at or by contacting the school.
Our staff, with parental input, creates a School Improvement Plan (SIP) to look at academic achievement. We have totally revised our curriculum to align with the new Illinois Learning Standards to improve math and reading achievement. Bluffview Elementary School uses federal and state grant money to provide or purchase:
Small group reading tutoring in kindergarten;
Small group guided reading in grades 1-2;
Intensive reading assistance in grades 1-6 for at risk students;
Purchase of new materials to help with math and reading instruction;
School wide professional development especially in the area of math, writing, and reading.
Purchase Promethean Boards for every classroom and lease Chromebooks for students in grades 3-6.
Without these grants, much of the extra assistance and materials we provide to our students would not be possible. If you have any questions about any of our programs to help students, please contact Victoria White, Title Coordinator, at 286 -3311.