As of today, 67% of our families have completed Part 1 of Online Registration. Thank you!
If you have not completed Part 1 of Online Registration, please note that the due date is June 7th and you will be prompted to complete at least Part 1 upon logging in to TeacherEase. Please complete Part 2 - Health History as soon as you are able. Part 3 - Fees will open in early July. Look for an email update closer to that time.
Further, unregistered students will not receive a schedule or homeroom assignment. If you are planning to attend in-person registration, please remember to bring two proofs of residency. The Registration Checklist can be found on our district website:
In-Person Registration:
July 31 - 11:00am-7:00pm
August 1: 8:00am-4:00pm
Thank you for registering early so that we can plan accordingly for class section sizes at all schools and maximize high school course requests.
If you have any technical questions, please reach out to Mr. Treece. All other questions, please contact your school office.
Thank you!
As of today, 51% of our families have completed Part 1 of Online Registration. Thank you!
If you have not completed Part 1 of Online Registration, please note that the due date is June 7th and you will be prompted to complete at least Part 1 upon logging in to TeacherEase.
Further, unregistered students will not receive a schedule or homeroom assignment. If you are planning to attend in-person registration in August, please remember to bring two proofs of residency. The Registration Checklist can be found on our district website:
Thank you for registering early so that we can plan accordingly for class section sizes at all schools and maximize high school course requests.
If you have any technical questions, please reach out to Mr. Treece. All other questions, please contact your school office.
Thank you!
Dupo CUSD 196 is seeking a full-time Speech Language Pathologist to provide services for district students.
Report Cards for K-12 are now available online in your TeacherEase account. Also, please complete your online registration if you have not done so, yet. Registration is due June 7th for returning students. Thank you!
Happy retirement to Dr. Kelly Carpenter-Goughenour and thank you for your hard work and dedication to Dupo CUSD 196! #retirement #education #congratulations
Check out the upcoming Class of 2030!
Reminder for May 17th and May 20th: Student dismissal: BV 1:30 and HS 2:00
Reminder: Teacher’s Meeting May 6th – Student dismissal: BV 1:30pm and JH/HS 2:00pm.
Online Registration for SY 2024-25 is due June 7th for returning families.
Opening May 1, 2024:
Part 1 of 3: Student Information & Forms (10-15 minutes)
Part 2 of 3: Health Information & Forms (10-15 minutes)
Opening July 8, 2024:
Part 3 of 3: Free-Reduced Lunch Application & Fees (10-15 minutes)
This information helps to determine staffing needs and allows registered high school students to have scheduling priority. Once you log in to TeacherEase, you should be prompted to complete the process.
Congratulations to our honored students at the IPA Student Recognition Breakfast! #congratulations #education @ilprincipals
We are having a blast at Cities in Harmony at the old Lindenwood campus in Belleville! The fun isn't over until 2:00pm, so come join us! #foodtrucks #education #fun #harmony 😄🥰🤩😎
#Congratulations to Emmy Robinson for her AFJ ROTC Character in Leadership scholarship award! #airforce #education ✈️ 🍎
We are ready! Come on down!
Congratulations, Students of the Month for April 2024! #Fairness #GoodJob #citizenship #education
Come see the spring choir concert and art expo on Friday, April 26th at 6pm in the DHS Gym! Admission is FREE!
Come see The Brothers Grimm on April 19th and 20th in the DHS Little Gym! Admissions: $5/adults, $3/out of district students, FREE For Dupo CUSD 196 Students!
Families of students with an IEP this is for you! Once students with an IEP turn 14 1/2 it is required they receive Transition Services. The G.R.E.A.T Event provides information regarding college planning, guardianship, employment, housing, trust and IL ABLE accounts, SSI, and much more! Don't miss out on this FREE event!
It's National Library Week! What are you reading? #NationalLibraryWeek #Education #Read
Reminder! April 8th - ½ day student dismissal for School Improvement – Dismissal: HS 11:20 and BV 11:50
Reminders for Prom and After Prom today:
Prom Location: Sugar Spring Ranch (1385 Centerville Rd, Columbia, IL 62236)
Date and Time: April 6, 2024 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Prom Court Coronation @ 9:30 PM *Parents arrive please arrive no earlier than 9:20 PM
Information regarding After-Prom:
After Prom Location - Dupo High School
After Prom Time - 11:30 PM - 4:30 AM
Students will enter the school from the student parking lot through the doors that they come in the mornings on school days.
In order to ride the mechanical bull, a student under the age of 18 needs to have a signed waiver by a parent/guardian and brought to the school. Additional waivers will be made available at prom for students to take home and get signed before arriving at after prom.
There will be multiple chaperones watching entrances and exits throughout the school. Kids will enter from the doors by the high school parking lot. There will be a checklist of all kids that had bought a prom ticket that included after-prom. Tickets to get into after-prom will not be made available at the door (they must be purchased with a prom ticket).
A child can leave after-prom early at any point, but that child who wants to leave after-prom early must leave with their parent/guardian (no matter how old the child is). A parent/guardian must be at the school to pick up their child. If a child is to leave after-prom, they cannot re-enter the school. Outside food and drinks will not be permitted into the school.
If you have any questions, please email Mr. Hempen (