Welcome to the Jr-Sr High School Library!


Dupo Jr/Sr High Library Catalog

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Online Library Catalog

How to Request Inter-Library Loan

What is my library card number?

Cloud Library

Dive in Online with CloudLibrary eBooks and eAudiobooks

Click below to borrow ebooks and eaudiobooks with your library card. You can also download the CloudLibrary app on your Apple, Android, and Kindle devices.

Illinois Digital Archives Link: Picture of Abe Lincoln

Illinois Digital Archives

The Illinois Digital Archives (IDA) was created in 2000, as a repository for the digital collections of the Illinois State Library as well as other libraries, such as the Dupo High School Library.

Illinois Digital Archives

DHS Mobile Memory Lab Project (coming soon!)

Online Reference Resources

School Resources: Clever Dashboard


School Library Media Services

The District libraries are open to all students throughout the day.  Dupo CUSD 196 libraries function as an integral part of the total educational program.  The goal of the library program is to support the teaching of the curriculum. The library operates under the following procedures:

  1. Check-out Procedures

    • Books are checked out for a period of two weeks at Bluffview Elementary and three weeks at Dupo Junior-Senior High.

    • Magazines must be used in the library and may not be checked out.

    • Reference materials are not available for check-out and must remain in the library.

  2. Fines - Fines are no longer collected, but students should be courteous and return items promptly when due. However, other lending libraries may charge overdue fines per inter-library loan policies. Overdue notices will be emailed weekly.

  3. Lost or Damaged Materials - If a student loses or damages a library book, the student is responsible for the cost to repair or replace the book.  All unpaid fees accumulate as long as the student is enrolled in District #196.

  4. Special Services:

    • There is a copy machine available to students for academic purposes only.  

    • The library has a variety of computers and printers for students to use when permitted by their teachers. 

    • Students may survey or order materials from the SHARE consortium through IHLS inter-library loan.

    • Students may access content electronically through supported devices, including access to online reference resources.

The library exists as a learning center and supports the educational process of the school.  Students whose conduct interferes with the operation of the library are subject to discipline for misconduct.


Mike Treece

Library Media Specialist


618-286-3812 ext 2212


Kellie Kloess

Library Aide


618-286-3812 ext 2140

Library Hours
The library opens at 7:40 a.m. and closes at 4:00 p.m. providing a place for students to study, work and do research before and after school. Of course, the students are welcome throughout the day with passes from their teachers.

Library Mission

  • The program focuses on enlarging and enriching the ongoing classroom instructional program.

  • Materials are selected on the basis of encouraging the acquisition of knowledge and developing literary, cultural, and aesthetic appreciation and ethical standards.

  • Staff members are invited to recommend additions to the collection.

  • Each school maintains a collection of materials that supports the curriculum and provides for individual needs, interests, abilities, and maturity levels.

  • Students may freely select resource center materials as well as receive guided selection of materials appropriate to specific, planned learning experiences.


Kajeet Hotspots

Cloud Library