Game Day - Yes! We will have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Coding Club - No! We do not have a coding club this week.
HS track- HS Track meeting Friday in Mr. Reinhold’s room @ 2:40 PM.
JH STUCO Christmas Treats
The JH STUCO will be selling Christmas Treats during Guided Advisory starting Tuesday Dec. 6th. The treats are $1 and can be sent to anyone in the school, including yourself!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 12/7 - Cheeseburger, green beans, peas, milk

Mrs. Hughey loves reading!

Remember! The BV and JH/HS Choir concert is tonight, followed by a cookies and milk, storybook session by Mrs. Claus! See you at Dupo High School, 6pm!

This weekend AFJROTC held a toy drive at a local Walmart for the Shriner's Hospital. We were able to collect hundreds of toys for hospitalized children for Christmas!

Game Day - Yes! We will have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Drama Club Come out and support the Dupo High School Drama Club on Friday at 7pm! The drama club is putting on Ken Ludwig’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Dupo 196 Students and staff are free. For more information contact Ms. H (Chrabusicky@dupo196.org) We look forward to seeing you there!
JH Girls basketball
Last night the JH girls celebrated their last home game! 7th grade won against Waterloo, while 8th grade lost by a close 3 points in the exciting game. Congrats to the 8th graders: Keara, Kaitlyn, Aubriegh, Elise, Gwynn, and Payton. Good luck in your Conference Tournament this weekend!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 12/1 - soft taco, chips and salsa, cinnamon apples, milk

JH Students: You are MAP testing tomorrow. Rest well. Charge your Chromebooks, make sure they are updated, and freshly restarted. Thank you!

Are you coming to the play tonight?

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. #ScholasticBookFair

Mrs. Janssen knows how to develop attentive readers!

Mr. Tidball is reading something worth discussing…

Oh no! What is Mr. Heather reading?

Game Day - Yes! We will have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Drama Club Come out and support the Dupo High School Drama Club on Friday at 7pm! The drama club is putting on Ken Ludwig’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Dupo 196 Students and staff are free. For more information contact Ms. H (Chrabusicky@dupo196.org) We look forward to seeing you there!
JH Girls basketball
Last night the JH girls celebrated their last home game! 7th grade won against Waterloo, while 8th grade lost by a close 3 points in the exciting game. Congrats to the 8th graders: Keara, Kaitlyn, Aubriegh, Elise, Gwynn, and Payton. Good luck in your Conference Tournament this weekend!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 12/1 - soft taco, chips and salsa, cinnamon apples, milk

Game Day - Yes! We will have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Drama Club Come out and support the Dupo High School Drama Club on Friday at 7pm! The drama club is putting on Ken Ludwig’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Dupo 196 Students and staff are free. For more information contact Ms. H (Chrabusicky@dupo196.org) We look forward to seeing you there!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 11/30 - Grilled chicken sandwich, peas, peaches, milk

Mrs. Lenz loves reading (and math)! Hehe :-)

Chandler loves a good atlas! #ScholasticBookFair

Señior McKinney was caught reading to his class!

Coding Club - Yes, we will have Coding Club this week.
Game Day - Yes! We will have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Drama Club Come out and support the Dupo High School Drama Club on Friday at 7pm! The drama club is putting on Ken Ludwig’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Dupo 196 Students and staff are free. For more information contact Ms. H (Chrabusicky@dupo196.org) We look forward to seeing you there!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 11/29 - Pizza, salad, banana, milk

Seniors (Run through November 18th)
Seniors check your email for messages regarding senior quotes, shirts and photos.
Coding Club - No Coding Club this week.
Art Club (Run 11/18 and 11/21): Art Club will meet this Tuesday Nov 22nd from 2pm to 3:30pm after school. Please provide your own transportation.
Game Day - No! We will not have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Junior HIgh Student Council (Run 11/22 only) - Congrats to Mrs. Goessling’s homeroom for winning the Food Drive Competition! You will receive your treat today!
JH Girls Basketball (run on 11/22 only)-
The JH Girls basketball team took on St. Teresa yesterday and brought home another 2 wins! Come out for 8th grade night next Tuesday! Hope to see you there!
Drama Club (Run through Dec. 2nd) Come out and support the Dupo High School Drama Club on Friday at 7pm! The drama club is putting on Ken Ludwig’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Dupo 196 Students and staff are free. For more information contact Ms. H (Chrabusicky@dupo196.org) We look forward to seeing you there!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 11/28: Grilled cheese, carrots, mixed berries, milk

Dear Jr./Sr. High Parents and Families:
Get Ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns rewards for our school.
Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will kick off with the annual Holiday Celebration on December 6th at 6:00pm. Then, the fair will be open on Wednesday, Dec 7th and Thursday, Dec 8th in the High School Library.
This year, say hello to eWallet—your child’s digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Of course, we still take cash and credit/debit cards.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/dupojrsrhighsch1
Special Promotion!
We invite you to take a selfie or a picture of your child reading a favorite book and we will post it online and push it out through our new mobile app and social media! Take your pic under the Christmas tree, in front of a cozy fireplace or campfire, with your pet, or any “winter” scene you can think of! We attached some virtual examples. Send your picture to Mr. Treece no later than December 6th at: mtreece@dupo196.org
Be sure to list who is in the picture so we can recognize you/your child by name! Happy Reading!

Seniors check your email for messages regarding senior quotes, shirts and photos.
Coding Club - No Coding Club this week.
Art Club : Art Club will meet this Tuesday Nov 22nd from 2pm to 3:30pm after school. Please provide your own transportation.
Game Day - No! We will not have Game Day this week. Any questions please ask Mrs. Kloess in the Library.
Junior HIgh Student Council Congrats to Mrs. Goessling’s homeroom for winning the Food Drive Competition! You will receive your treat today!
JH Girls Basketball
The JH Girls basketball team took on St. Teresa yesterday and brought home another 2 wins! Come out for 8th grade night next Tuesday! Hope to see you there!
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch 11/22: Hot dog, chips, mixed fruit, milk