JH Parents: IAR testing will take place from 3/28-3/30. Please be sure to charge your chromebooks, rest, eat a good breakfast, bring your headphones/earbuds, and do your best to be in attendance. Thank you!

Congratulations to our Junior High Core Crown Club! These students have a 4.0 GPA for all core classes during 3rd quarter. Woot woot!

Cadet Kaitlynn Townsend received her AIM HIGH Flight Academy acceptance to South Dakota State University this summer where she will get to fly solo for the first time! Fly Safe Kaitlynn!

#Congratulations to the March 2023 Students of the Month!

Nala Johnson, an 8th grader, participated in the St. Clair County, "Young Authors" competition. Her story, "The Suitcase," earned her a spot in the competition, and participants were awarded certificates and medals.

Last Friday, HS students attended the Criminal Justice Jamboree!

Congratulations to the 2023 Dupo High School Little Prince and Princess!
Stella Freeman and Brady Polka

Reminder: March 15th = ½ day student dismissal for School Improvement – Dismissal: HS 11:20 and BV 11:50; Bluffview PTO Taco Dinner and Bookfair are later from 4-7pm.

Students cheer for Officer Carrier as he returns to town. 👮♂️🚓🚨🚓🚨

Parents! HS made the 20% threshold with 21% = EXCELLENT! Bluffview and JH are soooo close! Bluffview = 19% and JH = 17%. Can we get just a few more people to take the survey? http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Parents! You know we ask every year for you to take the 5 Essentials Survey. Our schools need 20% parent participation in order to reflect positively on our school report cards. Right now we are averaging about 13%. Could we get a boost from everyone to push us over the threshold? THANK YOU! http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Reminder: Teacher’s Meeting March 6th – Student dismissal: BV 1:30pm and JH/HS 2:00pm.

Some of our students are visiting Collinsville Area Vocational Center today.

What a great event for our future leaders at Dupo High School! "Ted's Challenge Leadership Workshop"

Congratulations to our Dupo High School NHS inductees.

Today, some students registered for Fall Classes at SWIC! Go tigers!

#Congratulations to Maddie Ehrhard for state qualifier in bowling! 🎳

Our AFJ ROTC students showcase the flight simulator for our Board members! As expected, the plane landed safely. ✈️

#congratulations to our February 2023 Students of the Month! #education 📚🍎

1. Parent/Teacher/Student Conference Date 2, February 16th 4:00-7:30 PM
2. We are also happy to announce that we will be hosting a freshman orientation session for current 8th grade students.
Freshman Orientation Details
February 16th, 2023 in the Cafeteria from 6:00-7:00 PM
Meet freshman teachers, hear from the student support services team & browse booths for extracurricular activities and athletics