Scholar Bowl
By: Emma Stumpf
The scholar bowl season is underway! This year there are five members on the scholar bowl team, Nala Johnson, Bradie Sweeney, Lily McMannis, Arlis Woods, Chase Koppenhofer and they are coached by Ms. Mendoza. They had a match on Feb.13th against Chester where varsity lost (tied until question 18) and JV won. Their next upcoming match is Feb. 28th which is a league tournament, where they will be hosting six other schools from our conference. Following these matches, the team will also participate in regionals which will be held on March 10th. Coach Mendoza says, “It is challenging to have everyone because we are all involved in many different activities in school.” However, she states that when they have a full team, they do pretty well. As there are no seniors on the team, she only hopes that everyone will come back next year, so they can be the best yet!