
 Dupo Junior/Senior High School

  Game Day:  There WILL NOT be Game Day  on Thursday!  

Scholastic Book Fair  - The book fair has been moved to the Library and will be available until this afternoon.

HS Student Council: please make sure to get a copy of the field trip contract. You need to turn in this form before Christmas break. 

FCA: We will be having our first annual Christmas Party, this Monday, December 23rd, from 6:00-8:00pm at the First Baptist Church of Dupo. We will have super yummy walking tacos, a White Elephant Gift Exchange, and many more fun games, as well as getting to hear the true reason for the season. We hope to see you there!

Seniors: Please email your baby picture that you would like to be added to the Senior Slide Show to Adrienne Latimer as soon as possible. If you have any questions please talk to Mr. Hempen.

Sophomores: Please check Google Classroom regarding concession sign-ups for basketball games. Also keep in mind that we have Prom Points that you can earn.

Junior High School Student Council: Christmas Tree Treats will be delivered by Friday, December 20th.   

Word of the Week: Tidings

**********Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week**********