
Dupo Junior/Senior High School

Drama Club: Drama Club is having a fundraiser all weekend with Scentsy.  Make sure you speak with a Drama Club member to ask how you can help support us and freshen up your day.   

CAVC Students: Today, Friday 10/18 will be just like a Wednesday schedule. Please make sure you make it to the lunchroom on time.

FCA: Come out on October 28th for FCA’s first annual bonfire. It will be hosted at the Dupo Quarterback Club. Bring your own chairs and blankets. Weenies and Smores PROVIDED!

HS Girls BB:   If you’re thinking about playing basketball this year, stop by and see coach Carpenter about shooting shirts so we can get them ordered!

Scholar Bowl: Any high school student interested in joining Scholar Bowl should plan to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 23rd at 2:30pm in Coach Mendoza’s room, room 142 in the Junior High.

Sophomores: Please check Google Classroom regarding concession sign-ups for basketball games.

JH Student Council will be selling Boo Grams for 50 cents from now until October 30th.  Student council members will be selling the Boo Grams during Guided Advisory.

All Students: Don’t forget to stop by the office on your birthday for a special treat.  

Word of the Week: Deciduous

Noun: A tree or shrub that loses its leaves every year.

**********Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week**********