Daily Announcements

Dupo High School     

Drama Club: Auditions for the Spring Play will be held on February 21-22nd after school in Mr. Tidball’s room. Students interested in auditioning should see either Mrs. Kyle or Mr. Tidball for information. Come be a part of The Brothers Grimm Spectacular!

HS Softball: There will be a meeting in Mr. Hempen’s room at the end of the day today for HS softball players. Please do your best to be at this meeting.

Junior High Dance: The Junior HIgh Dance is this Friday, February 23rd, from 6:00 - 8:00 in the little gym.  Tickets are $3 and will be purchased at the door.

GAME DAY! - Yes! We will have Game Day this week.

**********Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week**********