Daily Announcements

Dupo High School Announcements

Esports: Tonight is the second week of Super Smash Brothers. Warm-up games begin at 3:30 in the library.        

JH Student Council Our next meeting is this Friday, January 26th, during 7th hour.  We will meet in Mrs. Lenz’s room.

 Game Day:  Yes! We have Game Day today.

High School Student Council: Please check the google classroom and vote for which item you want to sell for valograms.

Jr. High Boys Basketball: Make sure that you turn in your jerseys and shorts into Mr. Hempen or Mr. Lawrence.

Bowling: Boys please turn in your uniforms to Mr. Griffin no later than Wednesday, January 31st or else there will be a $50 fee added to your account. Thank you!

**********Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week**********