Dupo High School Announcements
All Students: Please make sure that when you are called out of school to stop by the office to sign out. If you fail to do so this could result in an unexcused absence.
High School Baseball: Workouts will be held after school today from 3:15-4:30.
Esports: Our teams are set for January - thank you for coming out and showing us what you have. We look forward to January 9th when the new season begins.
Jr High Boys Basketball: Congratulations to the 8th grade boys basketball team for beating Lebanon last night 57-16. The Tigers had three players scoring in double digits including Landon Francis, Braxton Barnett, and Trenton O’Guinn.
Seniors: Please email Renae Schroeder a baby picture.
High School Track: Any high school track athlete interested in running 400 meters up through 3200 meters should see Coach Mendoza or Coach Huelskamp for a note about the upcoming season. We will start January 8th with vital winter workouts!
Bowling - Congratulations to our boys and girls bowling team on their win last night against Steeleville.
Way to go Tigers.
Art Students: Your portfolios are ready to pick up.
**********Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week**********